Employment opportunities at six PAPAGO events

Six job fairs will be held by Labor Department of New Taipei City in February 2012, including HouGan Neighborhood in Xinshuan, Ganyanwu Neighborhood in Shulin, Shinshin Neighborhood in Tamshui, Houde Neighborhood in Shize, Zenli Neighborhood in Wugui, and Rerchai Neighborhood in Yingai District in New Taipei City (the last three will be in the evening). Citizens and employers alike are welcome to attend.


Because of its popularity, Labor Department of New Taipei City has decided to have such service in the evening. One example was the Neighborhood Officer Lee Genluan in Yinga District, who helped fetch citizens free tables and chairs from the district office with public promotion, which gave almost 20 people new job opportunities. Other service providers include Houde Neighborhood in Shize District where the Neighborhood Officer uses his office for the event, helping almost 30 people find their jobs in just two hours.


Labor Department Chief Gau Banhua says that there are 10 office spots helping citizens find a new job within city hall, and there will be a wireless “office” available to help local businesses and citizens find more job opportunities. More information can be found at http://www.esc.ntpc.gov.tw/ or call 0800-091-580.