Zhonghe High School unveils Maker Center

 Zhonghe High School unveils Maker Center

Education Department of New Taipei City Government has been working to combine industry, academic, and government resources to promote Make education. The first self-making innovation center was unveiled today at Zhonghe High School. The Mayor attended the ceremony in person, and in his speech, the mayor says that Zhonghe High School is the first institution in the nation to collaborate with its neighboring community to establish a open-to-public maker and innovation center. Teacher, students and the neighboring community residents can realize their innovative concepts. The mayor thanks the industry, academia, and government sponsors for their support in this effort, which pushes New Taipei schools forth.

Mayor Chu says that to “learn while doing” is the central ideal in maker education. In the past, schools have established art classes where students can draw out what they have learned in class. In the 21th century, the Mayor continues, technology advances have made it possible to express concepts through self-guided making. That the new generation of students will use this self-making process to realize their dreams is what we are hoping for, the Mayor stresses. Mayor Chu says that New Taipei City has already established maker classrooms at Yingge, New Taipei Vocational, Banqiao, and Jinshan high schools, and the new addition of the maker center at Zhonghe will continue the city’s goal of empowering students with innovative thinking and real-world applications.

Director of Education Department, Yawen Gong, says that Zhonghe High’s new addition will help bring the “make” concept into the education system. The Department has started with the design of “Fun Learning with Three Innovations in Zhonghe.” In collaboration with Intel Corp. of the U.S and National Taiwan Normal University, the Department has introduced maker classrooms into the high school environment. Furthermore, in working with Tatung University, the long-planned maker center is now officially open for the city’s maker members to use. This development will introduce professional maker teams into the high schools, says the Director, and will provide more maker resources and classes. In the future, city’s teachers can apply for training and certification to freely use the Zhonghe maker facility.

Zhonghe HIgh School’s Self-guided Maker Center is equipped with digital studio switchboard, photography/video studio, social technology classroom, crafting tools, Lego robots, ICT technology education resources, and others. The set of equipments was expanded to include laser sculpture, 3D printer, circular saw, pneumatic machines, digital sewing machine, and others. By making these tools available, introducing Internet-of-things concepts, and stressing ease-of-use and composable facility components, the center’s aim is to help students realize their innovation. On September 29, Banqiao High will host the first public maker education forum. Starting from September to December, the city will organize 6 innovation workshops. November will be designated as New Taipei Maker’s month; the city will provide a platform for students to demonstrate their work.

For more information: Education Department, Research and Development Section; Jialing Ni; Phone: 80723456 ext. 500