Mayor Chu talks to several college presidents in Canada

Several college presidents from Canada visit New Taipei City Government and talk to Mayor Chu for more helpful educational policies. This also bonds the mutual relationship and makes it better for future cooperation.


According to the chair of Universities New Zealand Board and President of University of Victoria Mr. Waksh, Taiwan and Canada have been cooperating together not only economically, but also educationally for a closer relationship.


Mr.McCormack, Deputy Chair and President of Auckland University of Technology, also adds that both schools and corporations in New Zealand need more cooperation so it would be easier for students to land jobs after graduation. Mayor Chu also says this system has been running in Taiwan for some time to reduce the gap between schools and corporations.


The presidents attending this time are Prof. Pat Walsh from Victoria University of Wellington, Prof. McCormack from University Waikato, Prof. Todd from Otago University, and Mr. Payton from College Board of New Zealand.