New Taipei City extends the sister-city tie with Cincinnati

 New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu met Mayor of Cincinnati, Mark Mallory, today at Cincinnati City Hall and re-signed the sister city agreement between New Taipei City and Cincinnati.

At the contract signing ceremony, Mayor Mallory said the two sister cities have been having exchange on education, trade, medical system, and culture ever since the formation of sister city tie in 1994. Now that New Taipei City has gone through city administration upgrade, he said the re-signing of the sister city tie was going to mark for another significant history of the relationship between the two cities; he particularly would like to thank Sister City Commission of New Taipei City for their effort in making the re-signing possible.


Mayor Chu also said it was an honor for New Taipei City to continue its sister city tie with Cincinnati. He believed the relationship between the two cities could only become more strengthened through time and would like to thank Mayor Mallory for inviting him to the Sister City Conference hosted in Cincinnati this year.

With the witnessing of representatives from all 8 sister cities and officials from both city governments, Mayor Chu and Mayor Mallory re-signed the sister city contract in Cincinnati City Hall. After the signing ceremony, the two mayors exchanged their presents and enjoyed the performance by the chorus team from Lilin Elementary School.


Cincinnati originally signed the sister city agreement with Taipei County back in September 12, 1994. Currently, it has 8 sister cities, which includes New Taipei City in Taiwan, Liuzhou in China, Nancy in France, Munich in Germany, Gifu in Japan, Kharkiv in Ukraine, and Mysore in India. Representatives from all sister cities were present at today’s re-signing ceremony.