Mayor Chu opened the table tennis tournament for elementary schools

 Mayor Eric Chu opened “The 45th Mandarin Daily News Cup Table Tennis Tournament for Elementary and Junior High School ” with national table tennis player Jiang Peng-long. Chu showed some ping-pong skills for the participants, and he said that only by practicing can play the table tennis perfect, and the game would begin on November 21.

Chu’s opening speech started with the appreciation for the Mandarin Daily News, which it had dedicated on children’s education through decades. He said that every elementary school in New Taipei City could read the Mandarin Daily News in the morning, and even the school in remote areas such as Wulai Fushan Elementary school could read it. In addition, Mandarin Daily News held the tournament every year, and hoped that the table tennis can be popular around the campus.

Chu said that every year table tennis attracted students from different schools to join the tournament, and he hoped that this sport could be a joyful activity for people to spread around schools, the communities and families.

When the competition started, young players tried their best to win the game. The players who waited on the sideline took the warm up exercise seriously, and expected to have a great performance on the table.

The table tennis tournament that lasted for five days was cosponsored by Education Department, New Taipei City Government and Mandarin Daily News. This year, the 153 teams came from 18 counties joined the competition, and the cosponsors added a new group for the junior high school students that made the number of the players over 3000, which was a record for this event.

Lin Teng-Jiao, Director of education Department and legislator Huang Zhi-Xiong showed up to cheer the players up in today’s games, and the national table tennis players Huang Yi-Hua and Chen Si-Yu from Chinese Taipei Olympics Teams were also showed up with guidance for the children.