Mayor Chu amended the inspection of leveling arcades

 Mayor Eric Chu convened the road safety report on 28th of November. He pointed out that the "Arcade Restructuring Project" directed by the Public Works Department. The arcade which connected to infrastructures and sightseeing spots should be clarified as the priority for the passengers. In order to lower the construction difficulties, each district office should coordinate with the stores along the sideways and make sure it""s followed the public safety rules.

Chu said that the uneven and blocked arcade were the big issues which every citizen would face. The arcade was the feature in Taiwan""s architecture, but the uneven and blocked issues were criticized by people and were troublesome to the citizen.

The citizens were at high will to leveling the arcade, but not for the businesses. Chu said that the District Offices should communicate with the businesses for the importance of leveling the arcade, and hoped it will cohere their consensus and willing to cooperate, as if some of the businesses understood the constructions deal benefits for themselves, the others will initiative coordinated with their affection.

Chu amended each District Offices to investigate their district on the intention of even the arcade. It will helped the Public Works Department not only lowered the construction difficulties and reached the 20 kilometers target every year, but also accelerated the execution speed and increased the length of the construction.

Public Works Department would put up a New Taipei City logo brick ever since the arcade got evened. Chu expressed with certainty that the logo brick would show the government""s hard work on the construction of the arcade and not only reminded the citizens in New Taipei City, but also encouraged other City""s to follow up.

In addition, the conservation of the constructions were also important as well, whether the addition to the store""s decorations or the merchandise that puts on the arcade could both seriously wrecked the new build arcade. Chu indicated that each District Offices should inspected the damage situation at any time, and this will made the citizens feel the sincerity by the city government.

Today""s road safety report were composition by Public Works Department""s "The urban roads and arcades leveling project", Tourism and Travel Department""s "A New Taipei Christmas traffic project" and Transportation Department""s "New Taipei City Huahe Expressway project".