A local police station is established in NTPU special region

 New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu attended the opening ceremony of NTPU (National Taipei University) Special Region Local Police Station on March 26. The jurisdictions of this special region were Sanxia District and Shulin District, and 20 police forces will be arranged in this station to serve over 38,000 citizens.

Chu indicated that the citizens in NTPU special region are looking forward to the establishment of the NTPU Local Police Station, and he showed his appreciation to the city councilors and Police Department for putting so many efforts to make the establishment happened. The numbers of NTPU special region population is surging, and the government was planning to build the multi-service center in the region, combining the Police Department, library, daycare center, and civic center in one place. In addition, the multi-service center will be finished in two years.

Several city councilors attended the opening ceremony, including Wang Mingli, Hong Jiajun, Gao Minhui, Lin Mingren, Wu Qiming, Huang Yongchang, Chen Shirong, and Ou Jinshi.

In addition, Chu noted that the Sanxia NTPU Local Police Station is not located in Sanxia District, but in Shulin District, which not only represents the meaning of cross-district service, but also breaks the barrier of the differences on administration and management.