“New Taipei City’s real Kung fu – High Quality Tea” event is hold in Pinglin

 New Taipei City’s tea producers won the first three positions nationwide, and they assembled together in the series of the press conferences for the event “New Taipei City High Quality Tea – real Kung fu, Great Tea” to market New Taipei City’s tea. New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu also attended this event to welcome everyone to come to Pinglin to drink tasteful tea and to enjoy natural environment in Pinglin. Agriculture Department said that there would be a series of promotions and discounts for 4 consecutive weekends starting from 11/30/2013.

Eric Chu indicated that New Taipei City’s great tea could be said to be made with real Kung fu, especially there were many talents with excellent tea producing skill in the new generations. In 2013 tea producing skill contest nationwide, those people performed very well, and they won the first three positions. In 2013 Taiwanese black tea producing skill contest, they also won the third position. They obtained these grand results among those competitive contests, which showed that tea producing skill in New Taipei City was truly recognized as one kind of Kung fu used to make great tea.

Chu also said that New Taipei City was famous for its Pouchong tea, and Pinglin, Shiding, Pingxi, Sanxia and Xindian were important places for tea productions. The City Government assembled all the tea farmers’ efforts and achievements together to propose “New Taipei Great Tea,” and Pinglin was the biggest place of the tea production. He welcomed civilians to visit Pinglin because of the fragrance of the winter tea and the beautiful view in Pinglin.

The Commissioner Liao Rongqing indicated that “New Taipei High Quality Tea – Real Kung fu Great Tea” event would take place from 11/30/2013 to 12/21/2013, and there would be 4 consecutive weekends for tea production DIY at Pinglin old streets. 500 free limited tea cups would be given out every day, and every week had its own theme. The four themes were creative tea production, riverside concert in tea town, an ecological travel in tea town and leisure run in tea town’s mountains. There would also be a tea sale exhibition on the first floor in Banqiao train station on 12/14/2013 and 12/15/2013.

There would be free shuttle buses during the event, and civilians were encouraged to use that service. More information about the event, please go to www.ntpc-tea.com.