The opening of Jindu Bridge recovers its nearby region’s unsurpassed grace

 Banqiao Nanzai Groove was fallen for more than a hundred years, and New Taipei City Government newly built Jindu Bridge to recover the region’s unsurpassed grace. Mayor Eric Chu hosted the opening ceremony on 12/27/2013, and local civilian representatives, village chiefs and community presidents all walked through this view bridge with Mayor Chu. Chu indicated that in the future coupling the nearby river restoration construction with Fuzhou area urban development, Nanzai Groove would have brand new appearance.

Eric Chu also represented that civilians attending the opening ceremony all had the first impression that the nearby environment became cleaner, and they all felt that the environment was different from before which was dirty and stinky. Although some people thought the City Government should focus on restoring river, to improve water quality needed to accomplish home sewage connecting pipe installation construction first; then the government would thoroughly ban nearby violating factories which had discharging issues. Regarding about home sewage connecting pipe installation construction, the City Government was completely progressing now, and it was predicted to be finished two to three years later. Also, regarding about banning violating factories, it would take a period of time too, but Chu believed that Nanzai Groove would become cleaner and more beautiful by that time.

Mayor Chu said that in addition to the restoration of Nanzai Groove, to accelerate on developing Fuzhou area was also very important. The two constructions should work together to completely foster the local economy. In the process of development, the rights of current land owners must be considered, and those factories inside the area should be helped to relocate, then implementing comprehensive development according to urban planning. Although Xinban Designated Zone currently was the busiest area in Banqiao, Chu believed that as long as the designed development plans could be executed, Fuzhou area would be the star of tomorrow.

Water Resources Department indicated that Nanzai Groove ferry port was the most important spot in Banqiao area during this area’s early development. It became very dirty and messy in the past due to urban development, and was always criticized by the public. However, after the construction of newly built Jindu Bridge coupling with riverside environment restoration, Nanzai Groove had a totally new look now. Jindu Bridge was the third light-sculptured view bridge in New Taipei City, and was the first in Banqiao. The Lin Family Mansion and Garden’s traditional Chinese garden images were used as design elements to create riverside leisure space for civilians, and the two most famous places Nanya Night Market and the Lin Family Mansion and Garden near Banqiao would both become new tourist attractions in Banqiao District.