World Book Day: Mayor Chu encourage reading

 World Book Day: Mayor Chu encourage reading

In supporting 423 World Book Day, New Taipei City Government is promoting a weeklong literary event, called the “Seven Movements of a Literary Feast.” Mayor Eric Chu was at Erchong Elementary School today (4/20), and the mayor, along with teacher and student representatives, unveiled the first movement, “Art and Reading, Performing the Book.” The mayor encouraged the students to read more and experience more of life.

Mayor Chu said in his speech that reading is essential to everyday life, whether it is reading magazines or books; in reading, we learn, and in learning, we learn more about life. The mayor said that reading develops reasoning skills in children. Many students today combine reading and games and use dramatic performances to illustrate stories. These types of activities highlight students’ creativity and help demonstrate what they have learned.

Mayor Chu also pointed out that New Taipei City has invested considerable resources in reading education and have carried out projects to improve school libraries. From 2012 to 2014, the city government renovated 105 elementary and secondary school libraries, making libraries a place for students to enjoy reading. In terms of space, city projects created a variety of reading environments and expanded reading areas to draw more students into the libraries and make reading a regular part of students’ lives.

The Education Department reported that Erchong Elementary was once ranked as one of the Top 100 Literature-friendly Schools, which speaks to the school’s effort in promoting reading and art. The school sock-puppet theatre troupe has been performing for four years; today, the young students performed “Queen of the Serpents” from Arabian Nights, and, through the performance, the students also introduced World Book Day and the city’s planned “movements.” The performance highlighted the fruit of the student/teacher participation in reading and illustrated the unique personality of this elementary school.

The Education Department indicated that as part of the effort to promote New Taipei City’s rich and innovative reading initiatives, this week, schools in the city will hold programs such as “Date with a writer,” “Themed Book Exhibition,” “Share Great Books,” “Theatre Performances,” “Reading with the Class,” “Vote for Great Books,” “Writing and Sharing Novellas,” “Donate Books,” “Visit Libraries or Bookstores,” and others. The departments hopes that through a plethora of designed programs, each child can fully realize her or his creativity, express their thoughts and feelings toward books, find the joy of reading, and display his or her talents and skills.

For more information: Education Department, Wanyan He, Tel: 1999 or (02)2960-3456 ext. 2830.