New Taipei Functional Fabric Fashion Show to Attract International Investors

 New Taipei Functional Fabric Fashion Show to Attract International Investors

New Taipei City Government held the “New Taipei Functional Fabric i-Fashion Show” event tonight. New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu, who was also the host of the event, said that the city has been actively assisting bringing innovation to cultural industries; the textile industry is a very important part of the cultural industries, and “functional fabric” is one of the industry’s special products. The city government combined the efforts from 352 businesses to develop, design, and organize this fashion show. Through events such as this, the city hopes to attract international buyers from Japan, South Korea, United States, and other countries. The city aims to create more opportunities for the local businesses and forge ahead into the international market, while improving the New Taipei City’s textile industry as a whole.

Economic Development Department indicates “New Taipei Functional Fabric i-Fashion Show” is a continuation of last year’s “Integration of the Functional Fabric Product Chain,” “Innovation Fashion Runway Show,” and the “Global Business Business Development” events. These three events were dubbed the “Textile Metamorphosis Trilogy.” The primary of the three, “Integration of the Functional Fabric Product Chain,” invited 20 textile and clothing businesses for participation. With functional fabric as the theme, the event explored topics such as sustained assistance to technology development for businesses, and textile product quality assurance, production design, and other assistive policies.

The second event, “Innovation Fashion Runway Show,” is to assist businesses in partnering with professional designers to produce functional and fashionable clothing. The event saw professional models wearing the functional designs to better illustrate the style to the public. The core message emphasized that the design is not only functional but can be fashionably worn in everyday life. Lastly, the “Global Business Business Development” event invited internationally well-respected fashion brands for a buyers’ forum discussion. Through one-on-one discussion, the buyer and seller were able to identify each other’s needs and move their business discussion to the next stage, and thus achieving the goal of global business development.

For more information: Economic Development Department, Jiarou Lin; Phone: 1999 or (02)2960-3456 ext. 5481