90 Outstanding New Taipei City Government cleaners Received Awards.

Around 6,000 full-time and part-time New Taipei City government cleaners are working all year to maintain a clean urban environment and have been embarking on new tasks, despite without have more recruits, such as removing illicit ads, mowing unused lands, clearing gutters, cleaning public toilets, and spraying disinfectant since the city’s special municipality upgrade. To encourage these government cleaners, New Taipei City Government held an awards ceremony to honor each of the 90 outstanding government cleaners today (12 / 23) at the New Taipei City Government building. Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, Deng Jiaji, presented the awards of a medal and $3600 NT dollars to every award winner.


According to Deng, since the transition of the government cleaning team back to the Department of Environmental Protection, the team often received complaints from district executives and village chiefs, but they never give up and continue working diligently and quietly to finally earn respect and acknowledgement. “Everybody is the witness of their hard work”, said Deng, “the streets are finally rid of illicit ads; befouled street corners turned into mini gardens; Roads are always clean regardless of weekdays or weekends.” Because

This year, New Taipei City won the competition as the cleanest city in Taiwan again, becoming the first city winning this honor for the fifth consecutive times. The Department of Environmental Protection on this coming Jan. 3rd will present the award, which all that contribute their effort to environmental protection deserve.

The 90 awarded government cleaners include 36 female workers and have an average seniority of 18 years. The most senior worker is Ms. Baomei Yan of Zhonghe Environmental Protection Station, who has served in Zhonghe district cleaning team for over 37 years. 26 out of 90 awardees are at least 60 years old, and their determination for long-term service is what people should admire and encourage.